Chicken Little the Patron Saint of Dispensationalism

“Only the fool living under the sun determines to ‘Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.’ What then do we make of those under the Son who claim ‘Evangelize, evangelize, evangelize, for tomorrow we are raptured?’ No one wants to come out against evangelism, especially me. It may very well be that in the providence of God the threat of an impending rapture, and of a tribulation to follow, may actually have motivated a few folks to spread the Good News. Wouldn’t it just be like God to use such a thing to bring His sheep into His fold? There’s a true sign of the sovereignty of God–He is strong enough to use even a dispensational eschatology for His glory. On the other hand, it may be that one day all their apologetical labors will fall on deaf ears when they come to be seen by the world as those whose patron saint is Chicken Little” (R. C. Sproul, Jr., Eternity in Our Hearts: Essays on the Good Life, 55).