Modernity & Postmodernity: In the End, One in the Same

Somewhere during my undergraduate studies I read something Michael Glodo said about modernity and postmodernity: he observed that both modernity and postmodernity have the same point of origin — they both begin with the autonomous man — but (and this is an important qualifier) they each reach radically different conclusions. It is a good observation.

Modernity starts with the autonomous man and concludes with hubrisic optimism (e.g., “Progress! Future! Truth!”). Presumptive brag, that. However: Postmodernity, starts with the autonomous man and concludes with fainthearted nihilism (e.g., “Progress?! Future?! What is Truth?!”).  Whinny ninny, that.

So, there is this tension between the former and the latter. There is the old guard (modernity) and the new guard (postmodernity), but really they are comrades of the same guard. Even though they don’t like the fact that they are walking together, albeit to a syncopated rhythm, in the end they are one in the same — an idolater vainly raging against God.