WCF. VII. Of God’s Covenant with Man – 1. Q & A

Blogging through and answering the questions from G. I. Williamson’s The Westminster Confession of Faith for Study Classes for personal review and comprehension.

WCF. VII. Of God’s Covenant with Man.

Section 1.

1. What does the depraved sinner deny besides the fact that he is depraved?

In addition to deny his depravity, the depraved sinner denies his creaturehood. Depraved man is bewitched by self-delusions of autonomy and independence from God (the Creator).

2. Have Reformed Christians failed to consistently acknowledge “the distance between God and the creature?”

 Yes, some Reformed Christians have failed to consistently acknowledge the basic distinction between the Creator and the creation.

3. How have they done so?

They have done so by when by describing a covenant as “an agreement between two or more persons.” Williamson says, “There is, in such language, at least the danger of suggesting that God and man are equal parties in the disposition of the covenants–as if each agreed to terms sovereignly imposed by the other!” (82)

4. What would God have owed a sinlessly perfect, or perfectly obedient, man?

 God would have owed (God owes) only the gracious promises he has self-imposed by way of covenant.

5. By what is God “bound” in his covenant(s)?

Because “God’s covenant dealings with men are both sovereign and gracious” . . . “He is bound by nothing but his own holy Word” (82).

6. By whom is a covenant instituted?

A covenant is sovereignly and graciously instituted by God; a covenant is instituted by the will of God alone.