Monthly Archives: May 2015

Respecter of Language

“Literature consists of words, first of all. Yet when Christians talk about literature, it would be easy to get the impression that literature consists of ideas. It does not. . . . A proper respect for language is a prerequisite to producing and understanding literature” (Leland Ryken, Thinking Christianly About Literature from The Christian Imagination, 24).

Enlarged Reality

“Literature enlarges our world of experience to include both more of the physical world and things not yet imagined, giving the “actual world” a “new dimension of depth” (C.S. Lewis, Of Other Worlds, 29)” (Donald T. Williams, Christian Poetics, Past and Present from The Christian Imagination, 17).

Necessary Discernment

“In the real world after the fall, as in the literary worlds which represent it, good and evil are so intertwined that the responsibility of discernment cannot be realistically avoided” (Donald T. Williams, Christian Poetics, Past and Present from The Christian Imagination, 13).

Literature as Creation

“Here, then, is finally a profoundly Christian understanding of literature which does not merely salvage it for Christian use but finds the very ground of its being in explicitly Christian doctrine: creation, the imago Dei, the “cultural mandate” to subdue the earth” (Donald T. Williams, Christian Poetics, Past and Present from The Christian Imagination, 11).

Kudos for My Generation (Keep on ignoring the captains at the helm of the Mainline Titantic!)

Excerpt below is from an article you gotta go read.

First, it’s quite common to hear from former evangelicals now within the Mainline Protestant tradition that if evangelicals, with their persistently conservative theology, would only liberalize on such issues as biblical authority and sexual ethics—they’d find a newfound opportunity for cultural influence and increased opportunity to “reach the next generation.” The problem, however, is that the statistical evidence suggests just the opposite: It’s the liberalizing trends of American life that work to calcify vibrant, growing, and orthodox belief. The report indicates that a nominal, religious middle is simply dropping out altogether. The almost-Christianity of liberal Christianity is proving, in the long run, to not be Christianity at all. Either failing to grow or literally dying out, Mainline liberalism offers little as far as attractional gravitas once it surrenders core doctrinal beliefs to progressivism. If anything is clear from the Pew report, it’s that evangelicals should, once and for all, ignore the captains at the helm of the Mainline Titanic.

 Again, this only reinforces Carl Trueman’s recent comments. “For Christians to continue to protest the world in the public square, they need first to be deeply and seriously grounded in the historic, doctrinal, and elaborate Christian faith.”

How will evangelical Christians survive? How will Liberalism be overthrown? It’s easy. Merely hold fast and earnestly contend for the faith handed down.

Beowulf and Wyrd

“That his work cannot now be read at all without trouble, nor understood and valued in detail without sustained effort, is due under God to wyrd [fate/personal destiny], the doom of men to live briefly in a world where all withers and is forgotten. The English language has changed — but not necessarily improved! — in a thousand years. Wyrd has swept away to oblivion nearly all its kin; but Beowulf survives: for a time, for as long as learning keeps any honour in its land. And how long will that be? God ana wat” [God alone knows.] (J.R.R. Tolkien, Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, 275).