Monthly Archives: December 2018


Examine yourself closely, for goats are often found amid the sheep. Be honest with yourself. Is the Shepherd-Lord everything to you? Is He the foundation of your hope, the object of your faith, the center of your love, the guarantee of your safety, and the pledge of your prosperity? Can you say that you belong to the covenant of grace, which is “the way by which God through Christ becomes the property of the sinner and the sinner the property of God”? (Joel R. Beeke, The Lord Shepherding His Sheep, 31).

The LORD is my Shepherd

“The LORD is my shepherd,” say God’s children as they begin, continue, and end with the Lord alone. Self falls away. “The LORD” becomes the motto of their lives. He is their all-in-all, their heaven on earth. They receive grace to learn with David that the defining moments in life are when self is pushed to the background and the Lord comes to the foreground. The words “the LORD” are the foundation of Psalm 23 as well as the entire Word of God (Joel R. Beeke, The Lord Shepherding His Sheep, 18).

Tweet Economics Commentary

“I am a Tariff Man. When people or countries come in to raid the great wealth of our Nation, I want them to pay for the privilege of doing so. It will always be the best way to max out our economic power. We are right now taking in $billions in Tariffs. MAKE AMERICA RICH AGAIN.” (President Trump 12/4/18 Tweet)

“I literally actually can barely read it because there are so many problems with that tweet.” — David L. Bahnsen (start at minute mark 2:30)

Divine Love Kindles Love

As the perseverance of the saints yields a most powerful comfort, it is likewise a powerful motive for sanctification. Opposing parties, being neither acquainted with the nature of grace nor the possessors of grace, are of the opinion that this doctrine renders men carless. The contrary is true, however. There is nothing that moves man so sweetly and purely unto sanctification as grace and the permanency of this grace, for the love of God kindles the love of those whom He loves. ‘We love Him, because He first loved us’ (1 John 4:19). The steadfast hope and sure expectation of salvation is a powerful incentive unto holiness. ‘And every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself, even as He is pure’ (1 John 3:3)” (Wilhelmus á Brakel, The Christian’s Reasonable Service, Vol. 4, 299).

Reading & Understanding

We read to know that human beings are hopelessly predictable, to know that we’re not alone, and to realize that the best and worst of times don’t last. Reading is essential to an understanding that investing will never be reduced to mathematical models, that it is and forever will be a social science. Most important, it should help you steer clear of trouble (Jason DeSena Trennert, My Side of the Street, 189).


Since spiritual life originates in heaven, it will always gravitate toward heaven. God is not only the cause of spiritual life, but also the object of its motions. God Himself is all the delight, pleasure, and joy of the regenerate man. He cannot be without God. He wishes for and must enjoy the light of God’s countenance, peace with God, and love and communion with God. Due to being united to God, he wishes to be united with His will, and thus to hate and shun what He hates, and to find delight in and in doing whatever God delights in and is pleasing to Him (Wilhelmus á Brakel, The Christian’s Reasonable Service, Vol. 2, The Church and Salvation, 251).