Monthly Archives: August 2008

Training Children: Parental Conduct

“Take care, then, what you do before a child. It is a true proverb, ‘Who sins before a child, sins double.’ Strive rather to be a living epistle of Christ, such as your families can read, and that plainly too. Be an example of reverence for the Word of God, reverence I prayer, reverence for means of grace, reverence for the Lord’s Day (J.C. Ryle, The Duties of Parents, p. 48).”

Training Children: Obedience, Again

“To my eyes, a parent always yielding, and a child always having its own way, are a most painful sight;–painful because I see God’s appointed order of things inverted and turned upside down;–painful, because I feel sure the consequence to that child’s character in the end will be self-will, pride, and self-conceit. You must not wonder that men refuse to obey their Father which is in heaven, if you allow them, when children, to disobey their father who is upon earth (J.C. Ryle, The Duties of Parents, p. 33).”

Training Children: Trusting Parents

“Tell your children, too, that we must all be learners in our beginnings,–that there is an alphabet to be mastered in every kind of knowledge,–that the best horse in the world had need once to be broken,–that a day will come when they will see the wisdom of all your training. But in the meantime if you say a thing is right, it must be enough for them,–they must believe you, and be content (J.C. Ryle, The Duties of Parents, p. 30).”

Table Fellowship: Prayer for Wine

Our Father in Heaven,
Today we draw near to You with praise because you have called us out the world, out of death, and out of enmity with Your Son, the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. We come to You, Father, in Christ by faith, and we trust in Your mercy and we rejoice in Your salvation. Today, Lord, You have called us to this fellowship meal, and we thank-you for this wine, which represents the blood poured out from the crucified body of our Risen Lord. Together all of us sing: Glory be to the Father; Glory be to the Son, Jesus Christ: and Glory be to the Holy Ghost. We lift our hearts and voices up to You, our Triune Lord, because you have dealt bountifully with us. Amen.