Socialism: Bury the Carcase?

Gary North, a prolific author, began An Economic Commentary on the Bible in 1973. In 2012, he finished the series. Quite the providential Prolegomenon to The Affordable Care Act.

The Bible is hostile to all forms of socialism and the welfare state. I have spent over three decades proving this, verse by verse. So far, Christian socialists refuse to present detailed exegetical support for their case. They do not respond to me. Meanwhile, socialism has visibly died. Communism is defunct. There was never an intellectually coherent theoretical defense of socialism, and now it has failed visibly. It impoverished those nations that adopted it. Socialism is a dead mule. It was always sterile. It is time to bury the carcase (Gary North, Wisdom and Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Proverbs (Point Five Press, 2012), 3).

 If Socialism is a dead mule, then what is The Affordable Care Act? The “last hurrah”? A funeral dirge sang drunkenly graveside of said mule? Perhaps.