All posts by Christopher C. Schrock

About Christopher C. Schrock

I was born and educated in Indiana. I married my best-friend, Julie Lynn, in 2006. I worked for 10 years in IT & Network Operations before transitioning to Christian Ministry. Now I am a pastor in Billings, Montana.

Nature of God

The nature of God is succinctly and accurately expressed in that description by Moses in Exodus 34[:6-7], “Jehovah, Jehovah God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, etc.”

Caspar Olevianus, An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, 23.


We become impatient because we focus on the creatures that oppose us rather than on God, who does these things to us not as our adversary but as our Father.

Caspar Olevianus, An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, 48.

God’s Providence

The doctrine of God’s providence ought to spur us on to the glorification of God and true gratitude of mind, especially in times of prosperity, when we see the bright face of God more clearly than in times of adversity. For whenever things go well and the way we would like, a godly person should give all the credit to God, whether he experience God’s beneficence through the ministry of other people or be helped by inanimate creatures. For this is what the godly person will think: Surely it is the Lord who has inclined their minds toward me, and it is He who has infused and does infuse other creatures with His power in such a way that they become instruments of His goodness toward me (Jer. 5[:24]; Acts 3[:1-16], 14[:17]).

Caspar Olevianus, An Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed, 48.

Truly Knowing God

God is not simply the subject of contemplation in the sense that a metaphysical philosopher undertakes to reflect upon God and in the way God truly knows himself, and as we in the next life shall come to know God more fully (1 Cor 13:9, etc.; 2 Cor 12:4); but in the sense that to know Him in this life is what we have to do in order to obtain eternal life by truly knowing Him (John 17:3).

Synopsis of a Purer Theology, Vol. 1, 55.

State & Church

Those who cite the success of the early church as an argument against state-supported churches should — in order to be logically (and historically) consistent — also call for full-blown persecution of the church by modern-day governments. But this is absurd.

Messiah the Prince (Modernized Abridgment by J. K. Wall), 144.

Mediatorial Reign

Christ’s mediatorial reign is not a temporary stage in the plan of God’s moral government. It is rather the last and greatest of his works, the climax of his wise and holy administration.

Messiah the Prince (Modernized abridgment by J. K. Wall), 155.

Three Effects

Our love of the Word should be such that it (1) propels us to gratitude toward God on account of the abundant supply of his Word that he has conferred to us, a gratitude in which we recognize from our heart the mercy of our benefactor and the excellence of his benefits (Ps. 147:19–20), we praise both with our mouth (Ps. 147:19–20; all of Ps. 119), and we repay them with our work, that is, with faith and observance of things revealed in the Word (Heb. 4:2; Jer. 42:5–6). (2) Next, such a love urges us to study the divine Word (Ps. 1:2), which consists in its religious reading, hearing, meditation, and observance (we will treat each of these individually in what follows). (3) Then, it kindles in us a love, honor, and support for those who deliver and explain the Word of God to us (1 Thess. 5:12; 1 Tim. 5:17; Gal. 6:6).