“. . . but there are signs of promise in the political horizon.”

Having “no law higher than the constitution,” and this wholly ignoring the law of God, the demands of liberalism have prevailed so that we are fast losing all Christian morality, the Christian Sabbath, Christian marriage, Christian education, and belief in Jesus as the “king of kings and the governor among the nations.” Here is our danger, but there are signs of promise in the political horizon. In providence, and as a direct result of gospel power, moral questions are pressed to the front, and the value of Christian character in our rulers is being emphasized in the present political campaign; and though Christians are only half-hearted and allow expediency and partisan bias too much influence, yet the madness of the wicked whom God will destroy, forces them to go forward. A fresh baptism of the Spirit is the crying need, that his regenerating grace may break the bonds of the arch-deceiver, and that Christians may be revived by a pentecostal refreshing and power. With his presence will come back to our Samson all the wealth of his locks, the sight of his eyes, the glory of his strength, the opportunity to grasp the pillars of the dragon’s temple, and the power with one effort to cast them down forever without injury to himself. Let prayer be unceasing, and with united supplication let us seek the Spirit to go forth with the gospel, and then soon our land and the world shall be enfranchised with the liberty of Christ.

“The Devil Abroad” in Christian Nation, Vol. I, 5. (October 1, 1884), 68.