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Communication and Language

The language of Scripture is the best language to express God’s mind. But it does not follow from this that it is the best language to express my mind, even although I may mean to express to another man, so that there shall be no misunderstanding between us, the very same truths which God has expressed. With the change in the meaning of language which takes place from age to age,—with the different interpretations actually put upon the terms of Scripture by multitudes,—with the various and even opposite senses which reason, or prejudice, or error has made to be associated with its phraseology; the very words of the Bible may not be the best words to declare my mind and belief to another man, so that betwixt him and me there shall be no equivocation, or reservation, or guile…. The Church may take the Bible into its hand, and hold it up to the view of the world as the one profession of its faith; but in doing so it is merely exhibiting the mind of God, not declaring its own.

James Bannerman, Church of Christ , 1:297–98

Conversion and Election

You begin at the wrong end if you first dispute about your election. Prove your conversion, and then never doubt your election.

Joseph Alleine, A Sure Guide to Heaven , originally published as An Alarm to the Unconverted, in a Serious Treatise (1671 ; repr., Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1989 ), 30.

Christ’s Church

But Christ’s Church has a twofold state, the one of grace and the other of glory in the future, we should distinguish the current government of the Church from the one that is to come. For in this life Christ rules his Church through the intervening agencies of ecclesiastical administration by faithful pastors, and he protects it by the administration of devout political magistrates.

Synopsis of a Purer Theology, 303.

A Gradual Process

When a man or woman is converted and joins the church, it is not likely that he or she will immediately understand doctrines such as the two natures of Christ or the Trinity very well. He or she may have great confusion as to how to piece together what the Scriptures reveal concerning these doctrines. After all, it took the church several centuries in the face of much false teaching to define these doctrines precisely. Good teachers will teach people these doctrines and direct them to the Scriptures in which they must be found. Learning the doctrines of Scripture is like learning a new language. Through a gradual process, what was once foreign or obscure gradually becomes clear and easy through use.


Role of Reason

The role of reason is not to create theology from reading Scripture. Reason is a necessary tool that is used to receive the doctrines already stated and implied in the Holy Word of God.


Infant Baptism

The case for baptizing the children of believers rests primarily upon the essential unity of the covenant of grace in the Old and New Testaments, as well as the fact that baptism has replaced circumcision as the sign of that same covenant (Col. 2:11–12 ). God commanded that the infants of believers should receive the sign of the covenant, and He has never revoked this command, even though the sign has been changed from circumcision to baptism. Peter’s appeal in Acts 2:38–39 (“Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins…. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the L ORD our God shall call ”) is almost an exact parallel with the covenant of circumcision given to Abraham in Genesis 17:4, 7: “My covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations…. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.” The inference from all of this is that, just as infants received circumcision, which was the seal of the righteousness that comes by faith and of the circumcision of the heart (Rom. 2:28–29, 4:11 ; Deut. 10:16 ; Jer. 4:4 ), so the infants of believers should continue to be counted as heirs of the promises under the new covenant sign of baptism. Both circumcision and baptism are spiritual signs and seals of faith, given to a spiritual people, in the context of the spiritual covenant of grace.


Sabbath Rest: Remedy to the Restlessness of the World

For Sabbath rest to make sense we first have to see the restlessness of the world. What was true of ancient empires (Egypt, Babylon, and Rome) is true of us as well: we do not know how to be still, and we don’t like to be still. The arrogance of the Tower of Babel, the slave-driving of Egypt, the hungry aggression of the Babylonians, and later the ruthless “peace” of the Romans, have much in common with the modern way of life: anxiety, ceaseless movement, a drive for achievement and greatness, oppression, lust for power, and an insatiable desire for more stuff.

If we see this restlessness clearly, then we can see the Sabbath as not just some ancient rule for Jews and Christians, but as the door to a different kind of world. The Sabbath leads us to look at life and everything we have as gifts, rather than scarce resources we have to fight and scrabble over. It calls us, not to a lazy life of porch sitting or a blur of constant toil and responsibility, but to a pattern of work and life-giving rest. It opens up God’s alternative to slavery: independence and equality of opportunity for all, not as disconnected individuals, but as communities and especially as households. And best, the weekly Sabbath points us to the Sabbath: the rest that awaits all God’s people, the rest that God enjoys himself, which we will enter if we persevere (Heb. 4:11).

Daniel Howe, Worship, Feasting Rest, Mercy: The Christian Sabbath, 5-6.


Change in society begins as Christian families, individuals, and churches one by one decide it’s okay to be weird, and maybe miss out on some things, in order to rest and give others rest. The revolution starts on Sunday — the Sabbath.

Daniel Howe, Worship, Feasting, Rest, Mercy: The Christian Sabbath, 8.