Galatians 5:22-23

V. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit] Therefore they are not the fruits of free-will, but so far forth as our will is made free by grace. He saith not, the works of the Spirit, as before the works of the flesh, but the fruits of the Spirit, to teach us, that good works are not only the effects of God’s Spirit, but also that they are acceptable and pleasing unto him, like most sweet and wholesome fruits (Matt. 3:8; John 15:8).

V. 23 against such there is no law] Such may be either referred to the fruits of the Spirit, or to the persons who bring forth such fruit, against men so qualified there is no law to condemn them: for the law of God, which is so severe and terrible to all men that are in the state of sin, is not so for all that unto the children of God, that do not maliciously set themselves against it, neither are they liable to the malediction thereof, they submitting themselves willingly to the same, as a gentle mistress of their actions, and guide of their life and conversation.

English Annotations (1645)