To a Thousand Generations

“The biblical vision, however, can inspire us to obedience. When we know the kingdom will grow, when we know that God is faithful in His covenants, when we know that He has promised to be God to us, to our children, and to as many as are afar off, when we know that Christ not only came to conquer the world but that He has already overcome it–then we move forward in the faith. We move forward believing the good news of the Kingdom of Christ. We don’t send our little children out to drag their heathen classmates onto the boat; we prepare them for the larger task of raising their own children to be a light to a world that is not triumphing but perishing. Eschatology then becomes more than a theological parlor game. It is the very spring in our step, the very hope that is within us, the very vision that we are to pass onto His blessings–that He is in the midst of blessing to a thousand generations” (R. C. Sproul, Jr., Eternity in Our Hearts: Essays on the Good Life, 58).